
78th Independence Day

On August 15th, 1947, India attained independence after almost 200 years of struggle. Today, we celebrate our 78th Independence Day with tremendous pride and joy at Jubilee Hills Public School.  The event was a vibrant and patriotic display of the students and staff’s dedication to honoring the country’s hard-earned freedom.

The NCC cadets of the school showcased their discipline, dedication, and patriotism through a meticulously coordinated Guard of Honor parade, executed with precision. The celebrations commenced early in the morning with the hoisting of the national flag by the Director of Jubilee Hills Education Society, accompanied by the singing of the National Anthem. The tricolor flag symbolizes the spirit of freedom and unity. The Principal presented the Welcome address and apprised the audience of the student council selection.

A leader is someone who guides, influences, and inspires others, not merely by holding power, but by setting an example, providing direction, and demonstrating strong decision-making skills. The students of Jubilee Hills Public School have proven themselves capable of embracing this responsibility. To recognize and honor these emerging leaders, the investiture ceremony was held, celebrating the inauguration of the newly formed student council.

This was followed by an address by the Director and a prize distribution ceremony, where students were recognized for their cent percent attendance in their previous academic year. In her address, the Director emphasized upon the values of leadership, responsibility and commitment, particularly in the context of education and national duty. She urged the students to lead with compassion, live by their values and cultivate a vision that inspires others.

The cultural presentation in the form of Song, Dance, Skit, Speeches exuberated the patriotic fervor among one and all.

The event concluded with a strong commitment to unity and excellence, leaving everyone motivated to contribute to the nation’s future.