26 December

Alumni Meet

Dear All, We are delighted to invite you to our Alumni Meet at Jubilee Hills Public School,Hyderabad.Join us to reconnect and celebrate cherished memories together.We look forward to welcoming you back! RegardsAlumni Association

13 February

CBSE Admit Card (Class X)

Dear Parents, (Class X) Parent and the student of Class X are requested to come to the school for on Monday, 12.02.2024 to collect the following: ✔️ CBSE Admit Card✔️ Pre-Board Report Card✔️ Alumni Registration Timings as follows: Roll nos. …

13 February

Examination Notice

Dear Parent, ⭕️Parents, are not permitted to pick up students immediately after revision examination from Monday,05.02.2024 ⭕️If the children are sick, please do not send them to the school for exams. ⭕Refer page no.36 &  37 of the School Almanac …

13 February

CBSE Admit Card (Class Xll)

Dear Parents, (Class XII) Parent and the student of Class XII are requested to come to the school on Monday, 12.02.2024 to collect the following: ✔️ CBSE Admit Card✔️ Pre-Board Report Card✔️ Alumni Registration Timings as follows: Roll nos. 1 …

14 October

Notice for Class 6th to 11th

Dear Parents, (VI – XII) Saturday, 15th October, 2022 is declared as a holiday due to Primary Open House Day. Open House for classes VI-XII is scheduled as per the Circular No. 34B on Sunday, 16th October, 2022. RegardsJHPS

04 October

Notice for Class 6th to 12th

Dear Parents, ( Classes 6 to 12) As we are in 2nd Term of the academic year, we have decided that we will work on all fourth Saturdays as per regular timetable. Buses will ply in all routes. RegardsJHPS