
Book Week ‘ADHYAYAN’ the knowledge fest, was celebrated in Jubilee Hills Public School from 19th November to 22nd November, 2018. The main aim of the school was to inculcate reading habits among the students.

A special assembly was conducted where a dance ‘Namo Sarada’ was presented beautifully. During the week various competitions such as ‘Story-telling’, ‘Spell bee’, ‘Book review’, ‘Rhymes Recitation’, ‘Book Cover Preparation’, ‘Story Writing’ were conducted. These competitions were conducted so as to create awareness about the importance of reading books among the students, to help build their creativity and inculcate competitive spirit. Prizes were given to the students as a mark of appreciation.

DEAR – Time (Drop Everything and Read) was held successfully in order to promote reading habit in students. Everyone including the staff and students partook in the DEAR enthusiastically. Speaking on the occasion, the Principal, Ms. M. Varalakshmi told the students that books are our best friends. She added that students must read books, as reading not only brings pleasure but increases ones knowledge and the language skills too.

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