Baby’s Day Out

Baby’s Day Out’ for children of classes II and III on 24th November, 2018, was organized at Jubilee Hills Public School. This fun-filled event was organized to bring in a feeling of sharing, caring and friendly approach amongst the children.It was a day out with their teachers and friends, away from their parents.

One could see their faces lit with joy as they came at around 8:00 a.m. on 24th November and were warmly welcomed by the Headmistress, Ms. C. Srilatha and their teachers. The morning started with a prayer and a welcome dance. Next were some energetic and stunning dance performances by the kids which mesmerized the audience.After having a healthy breakfast served by the school, they were seen thoroughly engrossed in various activities like Propping Hoops Relay, Forward Jumping Relay, Board Games, Magic Show and Ventriloquism.

Relishing the food while chatting with their peers was a different experience. Watching a movie in the company of their friends was exciting and exceptional, as the students sang songs and enjoyed every moment of the day.
Dancing on the foot tapping numbers was the most awaited event where our young ones exhibited their dancing talent. They danced with all the energy they had and enjoyed the evening. The children had their evening snack at 5:00 p.m. followed by a Bonfire. Everyone had a great time wanting for more. The parents thanked the School Management for organizing such an event to enhance the social skills of the children.

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