Tarang of Class I

Jubilee Hills Public School conducted Tarang of class 1 on 1st December, 2018, with the theme “Voice of the Earth”. Class 1 adorned the stage with their beautiful smiles and presented their talents through skits, debate and dances. The programme witnessed spectacular performances which suggested the ways to fight against wildlife crime, to include laughter in our lives, to create awareness about the importance of health, humanity and to have a better environment in order to have a better society.
The Primary Headmistress Ms.C.Srilatha, addressed the gathering and briefed the theme of the day. In her speech she said that the actions taken by us refer to the betterment of the society and can curb the burning issues in the present scenario. She added that the students would take up the responsibility of saving our mother nature through such programmes.

The Secretary of Jubilee Hills Education Society, Sri T. HarisChandra Prasad, appreciated the students. He stressed that these programmes will give a wide exposure to the students to better themselves and their growth should not be hindered by parents with their pampering.

The Academic Director, Ms. G. Sree Devi appreciated the children for their amazing performance and mentioned that the students have learnt that education is not bound to the classroom but it can be learnt by networking, communication and critical thinking which will help them to carry the sensitivity of the future. The parents of Class 1 were very happy with the wonderful performances of their children and carried lots of memories by end of the show.

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