
Orientation program for “NURSERY, LKG, UKG”

Jubilee Hills Public School has organized an orientation program for the parents of newly admitted students of “NURSERY, LKG, UKG”. The Principal Ms. Kanchanavalli, welcomed the gathering and enlightened parents on holistic development of students. She shared about the labs, achievements of students and awards won by the school. She said that Pratibha Darshan has been initiated for the students to master the language and instill public speaking skills. She also stated that both the teachers and the parents should monitor constantly and guide them for their improvement as they both play pivotal role in students’ life. The Senior Principal Ms. M. Varalakshmi, said that children observe our actions intently, so we should be careful and give them proper training from childhood. She stated that planning in advance helps overcome difficult tasks complete smoothly. If we work together with unity and focus on the children, then success can be achieved.The Primary Headmistress Ms. Vidhu Mohan, said that the students of today are the citizens of tomorrow, so from childhood they should be trained to be disciplined, grow up to be good citizens and guide them forward. She gave an overview of Academics and the regular routine followed in the academic year.Finally, the Question Answer session cleared all the queries of the parents. They expressed their appreciation for conducting this program, saying that they learned about the finer details of the smooth working of the school.The program ended with the National Song.